Monday, December 5

What do you think?

I began writing this back in January, it is my first attempt to write a fantasy:

The darkness flew past Aurora, as Merideth galloped swiftly through the Ruelar Woods. Her silk covered body moved as one with her Arabian stallion.

He needed her to hurry; they needed her. The people of the Dreka Village were a curious people, only coming out at night. They feared her powers greatly, but needed her badly. She would not give up until she could help them. She could feel the presence of the magical Adamantium Mountains as she drew closer.

The Jenyo which hung on a chain over her heart began glowing red…a warning of danger. -An evil was lurking near. She could feel it closing in around her. The Beast knew she was there, and He would soon show himself.

She could not stop for anything. She had not slept in three days now. But tonight she would stop and rest after she arrived in the village with him.

Merideth was the prime stallion; the fastest stallion in the old world. Looking down she could see the muscles rippling beneath her. The glossy coat looked mystical in the darkness.

Aurora loved riding fast. It made her feel like she was riding Adriean, the Emerald Dragon again. The last time she flew, she was with Rueben her love.

She could see the light growing ahead of her. They were almost out of the Woods. Suddenly something jumped out in front of them. Then there were three, then six. Their weapons were raised. Merideth skidded to a stop in front of them. Two-foot tall warriors surrounded them. They had long white beards and bald heads. They had masks covering their eyes, and were speaking to each other in a language she did not understand. They had bare chests and loin cloths. They were all draped with stone-bead necklaces. Many had little spears with poisoned tips, but others had arrows.

Aurora reached for her razor-sharp dagger. Before she had even pulled it out, one of them shot her in the back. In fury she swung around and threw the dagger. Before she could see if she hit her target, everything went black as she fell off her stallion
I hope you all like it. I wont be finishing it no matter what you think though. Sad I know, but I dont have it in me anymore.
So what do you think, should I continue?


Pavlov Stowardi said...

OF COURSE you should continue, silly... You don't start a story with the ending in mind, only to write one chapter... Keep up the good work...

Heidi said...

Um, yeah, so what happens next?

Ganimobile said...

definatly, I'm intrigued to find out what happens next

Perception said...

i want more