Thursday, December 2

Winters Eve

I stand here
My arms heavy
My mind a flight
Cold blankets me
All is peaceful
Breath fades into fog
Lights twinkle in the distance
Thoughts fill my mind
Smiles sweep across
As I think of you
Walking through shadow
To come my friend my best ever friend in the whole world
I wrote this for Michael Vincent because its us
You find me here
I in your arms
Sing songs of flight
Feel cold no more
The world’s at peace
We fade in bliss
Your twinkling eyes
My thoughts do swirl
Of sweeping memories
Thinking of how its been
All through the years eighteen to be exact
As friends in hand Or more if he'd ever consider it

Jade Hills

You all ask why I breathe in these green jaded hills; I chuckle without saying a word. My tired heart now freed into the open skies. Apricot blossoms float down silver waters and into pure bliss. Such sweetness is unknown to any man.

My version of Li Po's "Dialogue in the mountains"

Tuesday, November 30

Follow the leader

The gas went down the moment the green reflected in my eyes. I was off, speeding past the white Toyota pick-up in the left lane beside me. ‘Reliant K’ blared in my back seat as the A/C up front was on full-blast. The back windows were down, and the chaotic sounds of traffic were forcing their way in. The sun was slowly going down behind me creating brilliant glares ahead of me. The wide road began to narrow as I drove on further past the store-lined strip malls filled with busy, stressful shoppers. “Sweet,” I softly say aloud as the red light ahead of me turned green, causing no need to apply any pressure to my screechy brakes. My midnight Camry glides through traffic easily in the wide lanes. My eye catches the yellow ahead, so I begin to slow in to the left-turn lane. I glance over when I stop and notice a young woman smoking with the windows up. Duh, I think, how dumb are you. Then a small head rose in the back seat. She also had two young children in the car. A girl was playing with a Barbie in her car-seat, as a toddler leaned forward to speak to his mother. I shake my head in frustration. There is nothing I can do. Their mother puts them in seat belts to protect them, and buys them toys; when all they need is protection from fumes and a chance at a healthy life. The light turns green and my travel continues. Zooming past Elmo, my friend up top the towering sound barrier, I pass several cars. Along Bangeter, the sun snuck behind my sunglasses, and shone brightly in my eyes. I blinker over into the ‘snail-slow’ lane and smoothly turn on a green. The streets are full, but going fast. I merge into the line as though I am butting into the lunch line. The street curves and we all play ‘follow the leader’ until the comforting white lines of lanes reappear. Another red ahead. I begin to wonder whom I will meet next; who will be my new ‘victim’ of judgment. Colorful cars full of people living busy lives continue to speed through the intersection as I wait patiently. Green again, but this time I cannot hit the gas so hard or the Accord’s bumper will look like lasagna. The car turns and in doing so, gives my freedom back. Ahead I see a sneaky cop not so sneakily hiding behind a bush on the right. I hook it in second, causing me to slowdown fast without my brake lights giving me away. As I pass Mr. Police officer, I am only going four over. I generously speed up because if I do not I will be quite late. Yellow caution lights on the side of the road flash violently, however no one slows. The lights have now become commonplace; they seek for the attention they will not get. I again blinker, but this time into the left turn lane. This is my destination, and I am runnin’ slightly ahead of schedule. I slowly pull into the small parking spot and turn off my faithful Tonero.

Tuesday, November 23


There is something about using an old metal rake. The wide plastic rakes and new high-tech blowers just cannot give you the haven and peace that the metal ones give. They bring back memories of my daddy and I jumping in huge piles of crispy leaves. I begin to remember my friends and I being ‘buried alive’ beneath the chilled blanket of color. Working up a sweat on my brow, my fingers freeze as I struggle to get every leaf into my growing pile. Wishing I could bring back childhood friends, and innocent times. When I finish I slowly lay back, allowing the dry leaves to entangle in my curly hair.

Tuesday, November 16

Inner Renewal

The waves of life are crashing all around me. My once calm ocean is terribly distraught. I have entered into the center of the storm that I have created. This world of grief and sorrow spins around me. The wind is fierce as it rips at my clothes and tugs at my weakening hair. Tension builds as the hard rain rises in my little boat. It is hard for me to see my way in this chaos. I find it hard to breathe as the air is sucked from my thirsty lungs. Wreckage swirls around me in the air above. I am all alone as the lightning cracks me conscious. Curse words fly through the air like knifes, cutting as they pass. I struggle to find my path in this place where innocence is gone. I stumble with sickness and fall hard to my knees. The elements try to seize the pleading heart from my chest. Hope, joy, and love are lost in the turbulence.

Then.... just as I was on the verge of closing my pain forever, I felt a light. As though from heaven. I heard sweet singing, and felt a great warmth travel up my numb body. My storm calmed and my ocean became still. Relief and strength filled my every pore. The Great Physician has come to my side; He has heard my pleas for comfort. He has come to heal my sickness, and to make my weaknesses strong again.

I wonder why I ever closed the door. Why did I leave so much happiness for the crap I have found away from it. So long ago my heart turned away from His ray of hope and since my faith crumbled. But now things have changed. I can now emerge again: New, bright, and refreshed. My heart is forever lifted up in His praise.

Saturday, October 23

Black Rain

Driving fast, through the pouring black rain.
Wipers squeak as they feverishly work to clear my view.
A Blink song pumps in my ears as friendly taillights lead me home.
Streetlights smear as they reflect off the soaked road.
Only fog-covered windows separate me from the outside chill.
The gathering darkness hugs my little car close.
I turn up the heat to fight the shivers running through my skin.
Together my Camry and I travel blind with dim headlights.
Streams run down my windows as a waterfall lets loose upon my hood.
Putting all my trust on two glowing red lights, I am safely guided home.

Friday, October 22

Gracious Master

O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the Earth! When I consider thy Heavens, Worlds, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; I stand all amazed! What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the sons of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made me a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned me with glory and honour. O Lord our lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth.


Monday, October 18

Meet the W.F.D!!

Boys and girls of all ages, come see the 'World's Fastest Dishwasher'! This exciting show is for a limited time only. In a world with piles of dirty dishes a super-human has emerged! This amazing man has also been known as 'Adonis', and 'Puddles'. Beware the thrill of entering his battlefield, for you will surely get soaked. Mr. O' Doyle will be in town for a short time only, so don’t miss out. Come enjoy an exciting night out with the family, for the lowest price around!

I luv ya skinny hippie boy!!!


My comfy blue jeans, new balance tennies, and warm brown beanie. Lying out on the cool lawn; the sun gone down. A breeze rustling the surrounding brilliant orange leaves. Clouds dotting the endless sky above, birds floating on the wind. The moist earth is felt through my light blue jacket. An old leather football placed behind my heavy head. Thoughts wander on my bed of crispy leaves and green life. My arms spread wide, forever reaching. Eyes heavy, mind filled with constant stirrings. Sweet music drifts to my ear, as I look heavenward. Simple pleasure encircles my deep soul. The misty moon floats the horizon, as the last color rays of sun dim behind the majestic majesties. Passion kindled within my pensive reason. My harmonious heart beating, soothing my solemn eagerness to the core.

Wednesday, October 13

Our Path

There is a road
We do not know
It is the way
To life and love
Hand in hand
We travel on
Together in time
While we wait
Change has come and gone
It won’t come back
Wounding as it passes
Violently sweeping away
Memory burns through us
As we look back
The road swallows the past
And set forth the future

Monday, October 11


A tiny yellow rose
Hangs from the sky
Yellow ribbon tied around it
Its brilliance gone
Now just a corpse
Empty of all life
Only a memory remains
Of warm sunny days
The breeze and the rain
I hear its voice, across the room
Filling me with passion
I hear its story, both joyful and sad
Of what it was so long ago
It was once a symbol
Of love and loyalty

Sunday, October 10

I yearn for peace

Please give me an eraser
To remove the human nature
That is flowing like a river
That will run through us forever
It is keeping me in pain
As it’s driving me insane
If it would only cease
Then I’d finally be at peace

Thursday, October 7

The Knife

Dangerously sharp
The light dancing on its edge
Crafted from strong metals
Swiftly chopping onions
That make me cry
As it touches flesh
Searing pain floods me
Now a new addition
To my collection of scars

Sunday, October 3


I’m sitting here, very bored
Soon I’ll move and bore no more
I’m waiting now, deep in thought
While the time, ticks by not
I’m looking down, mind a flight
As words come, I must write

Saturday, October 2

My mom

God gave me a mother
One special like no other
With pretty brown eyes
And nice brown hair
With a heart full of care
And a soul filled with love
Such a great example
Service is just a sample
Of her many good works
The greatest is selflessness
Her smile and her sweetness
Can be felt by all who know her
She works so hard with all her might
She starts at day and goes till night
If I forget to thank you
Just hit me with your shoe
When I don’t show appreciation
Just remember that I do
And please don’t forget that I love you!

Thursday, September 30


There is a story told by young children who live curious lives, that are always playing strange games. It is about their past imaginings as animals of a most wonderful world. A world where there is no sorrow, grief and pain. All they know is how to have fun with each other.

Jungles, leopards, and panthers come alive in my rain forest.. When the boy across the street comes over to play, everything in my house changes. The walls become trees hung with vines. The furniture becomes moss-covered rocks. Tables become caves and the corners become our dens.

He was always a black panther; I was usually a leopard or a cheetah. And when my brother would play he’d want to be a panther too. We would climb in and on things, hide and growl ferociously. Then my mother would come down to the basement, and tell us to stop destroying her house. When she left, the dark, mysterious jungle, full of little animals would come back to life.

Tuesday, September 28

'mazy Mind

Why is it that we as humans are always filling our amazing minds with negative thoughts? There is so much good in the world, why focus on the bad?

Our minds are powerful enough they can fool themselves. If we always criticize ourselves, we will begin to believe what we tell our mind. We must be so careful to guard our minds from a world that is continually trying to degrade who we are. Though it may seem odd, I believe we should compliment ourselves often. Feed yourself with positive ideas, and feel good about yourself. Life is tough, we need all the encouragement we can get.

We must also stop apologizing to the world for who we are. Why hate yourself? Wouldn’t life be better, if we went through it loving ourselves, as who we are? Develop some self-confidence people! Do not just learn to live with yourself, love learning who you are; and be proud of whom you find!

Incredible people around us did not become incredible on accident, without any effort. No, they first knew they could be great. They believed in themselves, when no one else did.

Let us all believe in ourselves. Let’s go through life with a friend, instead of foe. I hope we all love and believe in ourselves.

Sunday, September 26

{gal-va-nize} {cha-os}

galvanize_ verb stimulate,
electrify, excite, inspire,
invigorate, jolt, provoke,
spur, stir, arouse, influence,

chaos_ noun disorder,
confusion, disorganization,
pandemonium, tumult, havoc,

I Love my H.C. Thesaurus!

Saran Wrap

You can never find the perfect kind
It's either too sticky and sticks to itself
Or it's not sticky enough and never works

You can never tear it just right
Don’t rip too slow or it will stretch
Can’t rip too fast either or it wont be straight

You should never use Saran Wrap
It doesn’t work because it’s stupid
Just use foil -a tip from me

Saturday, September 25

Drive Home

I was very relieved to leave work today. Don't get me wrong; I love my job, and my co-workers, but I can only take so many 'One-hit wonders'. On my way home today, as I was listening to my 'Beatles' tape, I found the opportunity for an experiment. Driving down a two-lane road, the light ahead turned yellow, then red. In the lane next to me, a young man in a black Mercury swerved in front of me, around a stopped silver Sunfire, and through the solid red light. As I slowly came to a stop next to the Sunfire, I noticed the elderly couple in the car, they were obviously very upset about Mr. Mercury; and were probably saying something like "Dumb kids these days; they have no brains or patience". The woman, in particular, had quite a deep scowl on her face as she held her Chihuahua. Then, came my idea. I tried to catch her eye, and when I did, I grinned my biggest smile! Mrs. Sunfire first looked startled to see the neighboring car smiling at her, but then her face lit-up like a bulb. She grinned back, then looked forward still glowing. Wow, I wonder if her opinion of dumb teens was altered, or her day brightened; I sure hope so.

Monday, September 20

To My Sisterly

Life made us sisters
Love made us friends
Through all of life's twisters
All through the tough bends

After all the rough times
We are still going strong
Together our minds rhyme
The words of life's song

Please forgive me when we fight
I feel so much shame
I know I'm not in the right
I’ll take all the blame

I will love you ‘till the end
Hand in hand as Best friends

Sunday, September 19

Words of our Language

Have you ever noticed that words are astonishingly like people? Every person is so different and unique; just like words. Words have characters, almost like personalities. They shift (as people do) their conduct with their company.

Our minds are trying to give word-form to the world surrounding us. We are endlessly studying, seeking for just the right word to use. We judge people, as we do words. They may not be the right shape or size. They may say too much or too little. They are too bold or too weak, too cruel or too kind. Acquiring a vocabulary can help us find the missing pieces to the puzzle.