Friday, December 23

100 things you may or may not know about me

11- I haven't seen a whole movie that I've sat through for a while now.
12- I am evolving: I am learning to sleep places I never thought possible
13- I love holding hands,
14- I think warm oatmeal cookies go best with a cool glass of apple juice
15- Christmas time is so very Merry and I couldnt love the feeling more
16- It's one o'clock but I am not sleepy yet tonight. I wonder why

I plan on it hitting me soon though
17- I dream most before I fall asleep and after I wake in the mornings
18- I love sleeping in late for no reason other than that I love my cozy feather bed
19- Lying in my bed feels like a big bear hug Mmmm...
20- I love big bear hugs. But not as much as I love holding hands

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