Sunday, January 8

I always want what's out of reach

-Eve 6 said it and so must I.
I have been asked over and over again what I want to be when I grow up.

When I am asked this question I usually tell them I am not sure yet, that I am still considering my options or that I am simply undecided. But that isn’t completely true. I do know what I’d love doing for the rest of my life…it’s just too far out of reach.

What I want to be and/or do when I grow up:
(When that may be I do not know)

I want to travel. I want to go to Europe on a grand tour. Then I’ll go to Africa where I can build schoolhouses and read fairy tales to starving children. I want to be a nurse and a doctor. I want to heal people, especially kids. I will work in Primary Children’s Hospital for as long as I can before my heart breaks permanently. I want to be a chemist and a technician who creates new drugs to cure future cancers. I want to be an author. I want to write and publish all the great stories I will have when I grow up. I want to be a politician. I will do my best to turn things around. I’ll try to save the government from destroying itself and becoming corrupt. I want to paint and draw and create beautiful things that I can enjoy. I want to do abstract pieces most. I will be entertained when listening to people who try to understand what I was feeling at the time of creation. I want to be an architect. I want to design and help build my future mansion that I will call Home, Sweet home. I want to be a pilot. I want to fly an F-16 from one horizon to the other. I want to be a skydiving expert and be paid to throw myself out of a plane. I want to be an astronaut and go to the moon and the spaces beyond.


Pavlov Stowardi said...

So, what you're saying is... You want to be Oprah?

Mrs. McGee said...

I wonder if she is Democratic or Republican...perhaps she is secretly a fiery liberal. If she really is a pilot then sure,I'd love to be her!

Perception said...

you know, a lot of those things aren't exactly out of reach.

Any I believe that nothing is really out of reach. Everything is within reach, but they require sacrifice. And the reason why some people don't achieve their live long dreams is that they realize that those sacrifices aren't worth the reward. And I believe the value of the rewards and sacrfices are different for each person. Out of reach? No. One just has to weigh what each is worth.