Friday, April 22

Written in Seventh Grade

I am a person many people call a “Tomboy”. Ever since I was young I have always wanted to be a boy. This is probably because there were no girls my age in my neighborhood, only boys. I have always been playing with all five of those boys. I still have many guy friends that I hang out with.

I like the world books open up to me. I love to read and I am very good at it too. I am always reading books, tons of them. I mainly read Newbery Award winners; I think they are the greatest. I also love reading fantasies about castles, enchanted forests, knights, dragons, unicorns, wizards, princesses who defeat evil, fairies and elves with mystical powers. I like reading because it lets me escape from my worries and problems; it also lets me go places that are only in the imagination.

I believe people should be themselves. People should not have to change who they are to please anyone else, they should express themselves and their feelings how they want to. For example, a Tomboy should be herself without feeling“disowned” by her parents for being who she is. I believe people should change only for themselves, not for others.

I do not like it when people gossip. People should not put others down to raise themselves up. It bugs me so much when someone tells me something unkind about someone else and then the next minute they are hanging out with that someone acting like nothing had changed. Talking behind someone’s back is mean and very hurtful. If a person tells me bad things about everyone else, I have to wonder what they are telling everyone else about me. I think people should be kind and true to their friends and others without being two-faced.

I am tired of hearing that I don’t measure up to everyone else’s standards. I’m told that I’m not responsible enough, yet I’m never given the chance. I’m told that I am lazy, yet I don’t watch T.V. and I am on track and soccer. I am told I don’t do a good enough job, but I'm doing my best and I'm trying my hardest. I wish people could see that. I guess it’s just not good enough for some people. Maybe, instead of trying to change ME they should lower their expectations.

I enjoy many things in the world around me. I like to learn about Egypt, the Pharaohs and the pyramids. I enjoy wondering about space, the galaxies and the many unknowns. I like running and splashing in puddles during a rainstorm, I love the sweet taste of fresh raspberries on my tongue. I love playing football with the boys. I love to run through the fields catching lizards, frogs and snakes. I love putting all my pennies on the railroad track and then waiting until the train comes by and squashes them flat. Hitting the jumps with my friends and then going on long bike rides that would take us anywhere is a blast. I enjoy doing anything with the people I like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A Poet since a young age
-Dirty Doty