Friday, April 22


As I dragged myself through the cold, squeaky doors that bent open to expose the deserted yard, I perceived that my heart abandoned all possibility. Cold, lifeless trees were placed without sense and order like grenades in a war zone. Ugly brown leaves cluttered the barren walks. The hot, unmerciful sun melted my skin, as it had the slaves. Dry desert wind scratched as it blew. Lumpy, unmown brown grass looked welcoming compared to the annoying weeds infesting the pain-ridden lawns. Hard angry benches lingering unused, surrounded by discolored stone cement. Rotten apples and greasy foods combined in the drafty air, creating the urge to erupt with burning acid. The blue, empty cloud-less sky looked pleasant as it contrasted to the gray of our prison. Litter cluttered the uneven steps and worn paths, as unused garbage cans wait unpatiently nearby. The mean breeze blew dead leaves scratching across the forbidden land. The parched drain was filled with years of mucus and cracking gum. A wondering lost dreadlocked sophomore penetrated to pass though the desolation. A fat lump of teacher set foot into a place of smelly milk stains. I could feel my heart echo off the barren, tall walls. Gross gum-covered picnic tables were placed in a crack-decorated corner. A Deafening silence filled my ears and a building headache pounded my brain. Graffiti encases this place of broken hopes and dreams. Pipes stuck awkwardly out from the dry thirsty ground. Branches of the dreadful trees above were strewn about, blocking my way. I hurried to the exit before the malicious spirit of this dread filled place could capture my soul in chains forever.

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