Monday, April 11

The Divide

The chasm between us was born before we existed. Slowly we have come to the edge, come to know each other. First impressions did not impress. Going separate for a while, then we were suddenly thrust into the widening hole together again. Repeatedly we escaped, to only return by force. From fears, flirtings began to fly. We were beginning to enjoy the evils that lurked below and all around us. Quietly volunteering, no longer pushing. Overcoming insecurities, finally conquering the breech that separated our souls.

Purposely we fell closer together. Moving earth against the world's resistance. As one we began defeating instability and we soon found comforts in foreign lands. Calling victory to us as torments ceased, while thick secrecy bound our lies in unison. Thunderously the earth broke free, reaching cliffs of cliffs, thirsting to reunite. Expanse is the new outcome of our actions.

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