Friday, April 22

July 15th, 2003

Today Wendy took us (Josh, Eric and I) to the dollar store on 5600w. Both Eric and Josh bought new lighters. When we got home we went over to Josh’s house. We were having a blast burning every spider web we could find in his yard; we also burned old beehives (which really stink!). After we burned everything in sight, except for the lawn, which would have burned the whole neighborhood down because everything is dead, we went in. We sat on the couch with Jessica, Josh’s sister, and he gets this, dumber than dumb, idea. He went and stood behind Jessica and lit his lighter. Well her hair caught on fire fast! He swapped at it and it went out, but was she mad!! Eric and I were laughing so hard my stomach hurt so bad! (Don’t get me wrong I love Jessica and all that, but seeing her hair on fire was pretty hilarious) We all jumped up and ran out of the house. Josh ran out first and jumped on Eric’s bike and rode quickly up the street to the tramp. Eric ran out of there so fast, he left his sandals in the front yard. I couldn’t run very fast, and had to stop a lot, because the scene that played over and over in my mind still had me doubled over with laughter. We shall never for get the day Josh caught his sister’s hair on fire! : )

After Josh’s fire ordeal, Eric decided on the 16th in the afternoon that he would light a laundry softener sheet on fire in his room. Then he threw it, still flaming, into a trash can full of newspaper, there was now a mini bonfire in his room. He picked up his now melting trashcan and dumped the whole mess in the bathroom sink. He turned on the water, closed the door then ran out of the house. I was downstairs and heard all the smoke detectors going off above. I went up there and opened the bathroom door and was blasted with smoke. The pile of trash had reignited after Eric dumped it and ash was everywhere. We are lucky it didn’t catch the wooden mirror above the sink on fire. Eric came home with josh and they cleaned it up before my mom got home, but when she did everything still smelled like smoke. All he had to do was clean up his mess, he wasn’t grounded or anything. If I had a kid who was dumb enough to make a fire IN the house I wouldn’t have been so nice. I mean, Wendy, Jeff and I all built our pyro fires outside; and we were clever enough to not get caught. Oh well, hopefully that never happens again : )

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