Wednesday, October 5

My Freedoms and Responsibilities

America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. We all as Americans have duties and obligations we must perform in order to earn our freedoms. If we all neglect these responsibilities, our nation will quickly begin to crumble.

We must fight for our rights. “Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.” America’s goal is freedom and we must continually strive to reach for that goal for everyone; not just other Americans, but every person, everywhere. Many past ‘freedom leaders’ have fought persistently for our freedoms. We should not throw them away carelessly.

Our nation’s people seem to have a problem keeping promises. Empty promises fill many aspects of our country, especially the presidential debates. Why is it that so much of our media is filled with lies? It is my responsibility to always tell the truth. My duty to others is to hold true, and keep promises I make. If we all did this, doubt would not always linger in our minds.

Many of our freedoms are taken from us everyday without us even knowing. They are able to do this because many people do not understand what all their freedoms consist of. I have the responsibility to my country to educate myself about my freedoms. We must also utilize our rights with caution. If we do not we may jeopardize or lose them all.

Thanks to the establishment of the first amendment, we have the freedom of speech, religion, press, ect. Because I have the right to speak out, it is my responsibility to so. If there is something happening in my community that I think is wrong, I would be right for me say something; even though it may not affect me directly.

Why do we as humans tend to blame others for our mistakes? We know it was us, we know the truth, so why do we deny it? It is my responsibility to everyone to tell the truth, and to take responsibility for my actions. Whatever I do, there will be consequences. Sometimes bad, or sometimes good, we cannot control the effects of our choices.

Have you ever been driving to work and seen someone in need? Although you are in a hurry, did you stop to see if your assistance was needed? This situation has occurred to me several times. Once I saw two boys riding their bikes, one of them fell and got hurt. I stopped to comfort him, and to see if he was okay. Other times I have witnessed accidents, I have stopped to see if everyone was all right. This is my duty as a citizen in our country.

I have the obligation to respect everyone. Their opinions and ideas must be valued; it matters not if you agree, you must show consideration for them. We would all want the same kindness. I have the duty to respect, and assist my elders when they need it. I should sacrifice for them whenever I can.

Were I old enough it would be my duty to vote. Although I am not, it is still my duty to voice my opinions, and stand up for whom I think would be the better candidate. I should speak my values and educate myself about the campaigns. Until I can vote, I should encourage others to do so.

Ultimately, it is my responsibility to ensure every American’s freedoms. If I can fulfill my duties, America will be a better place. I need to help others and treat them like I want them to treat me. It is my responsibility to live the golden rule, and to be the best American I can be.

1 comment:

fezzik said...

Well, since all those losers out there feel the need to post about their own sites, I thought I'd post about your site. I love this. You always make me think, GC. It's so true. Too many of us forget our privlidges and our responsibilites that come with those. Were that more of us were like you. Thanks for your example. :)