Saturday, October 23

Black Rain

Driving fast, through the pouring black rain.
Wipers squeak as they feverishly work to clear my view.
A Blink song pumps in my ears as friendly taillights lead me home.
Streetlights smear as they reflect off the soaked road.
Only fog-covered windows separate me from the outside chill.
The gathering darkness hugs my little car close.
I turn up the heat to fight the shivers running through my skin.
Together my Camry and I travel blind with dim headlights.
Streams run down my windows as a waterfall lets loose upon my hood.
Putting all my trust on two glowing red lights, I am safely guided home.


Anonymous said...

I like how you described the darkness as hugging your car. Kinda like it's overwelming you.

-Cpt. Underpants

Big D said...

Fish-Head you really are a wonderful writer. I like reading what you have to write. Keep it up.

Love in Christ

Your Good Friend