Tuesday, November 30

Follow the leader

The gas went down the moment the green reflected in my eyes. I was off, speeding past the white Toyota pick-up in the left lane beside me. ‘Reliant K’ blared in my back seat as the A/C up front was on full-blast. The back windows were down, and the chaotic sounds of traffic were forcing their way in. The sun was slowly going down behind me creating brilliant glares ahead of me. The wide road began to narrow as I drove on further past the store-lined strip malls filled with busy, stressful shoppers. “Sweet,” I softly say aloud as the red light ahead of me turned green, causing no need to apply any pressure to my screechy brakes. My midnight Camry glides through traffic easily in the wide lanes. My eye catches the yellow ahead, so I begin to slow in to the left-turn lane. I glance over when I stop and notice a young woman smoking with the windows up. Duh, I think, how dumb are you. Then a small head rose in the back seat. She also had two young children in the car. A girl was playing with a Barbie in her car-seat, as a toddler leaned forward to speak to his mother. I shake my head in frustration. There is nothing I can do. Their mother puts them in seat belts to protect them, and buys them toys; when all they need is protection from fumes and a chance at a healthy life. The light turns green and my travel continues. Zooming past Elmo, my friend up top the towering sound barrier, I pass several cars. Along Bangeter, the sun snuck behind my sunglasses, and shone brightly in my eyes. I blinker over into the ‘snail-slow’ lane and smoothly turn on a green. The streets are full, but going fast. I merge into the line as though I am butting into the lunch line. The street curves and we all play ‘follow the leader’ until the comforting white lines of lanes reappear. Another red ahead. I begin to wonder whom I will meet next; who will be my new ‘victim’ of judgment. Colorful cars full of people living busy lives continue to speed through the intersection as I wait patiently. Green again, but this time I cannot hit the gas so hard or the Accord’s bumper will look like lasagna. The car turns and in doing so, gives my freedom back. Ahead I see a sneaky cop not so sneakily hiding behind a bush on the right. I hook it in second, causing me to slowdown fast without my brake lights giving me away. As I pass Mr. Police officer, I am only going four over. I generously speed up because if I do not I will be quite late. Yellow caution lights on the side of the road flash violently, however no one slows. The lights have now become commonplace; they seek for the attention they will not get. I again blinker, but this time into the left turn lane. This is my destination, and I am runnin’ slightly ahead of schedule. I slowly pull into the small parking spot and turn off my faithful Tonero.


Invader Jim said...

Hey a Relient K fan, there aren't many of those around. Unless they're popular now, I don't know. Have you heard the song "Five Iron Frenzy is Either Dead or Dying?" It's their best work.

Oh, you could have done something about that smoker. I would have gone with the 'smash a boulder into her side window and kidnap her kids' route.

FeedingYourMind said...

Chaos—I LOVED this post! First off, you just described the typical everyday drive we all go through in our daily routine, but unfortunately we all go through it without paying attention to the little details as you just so MARVELOUSLY described, because honestly, we all do a LOT of that same stuff you just talked about! SOOO many parts I just HAVE to comment on...i feel like a kid in a candy store...

‘Reliant K’ - good choice!

A/C up front was on full-blast & Camry – I too drive a Camry, and quite often have my air on full blast, but I must say, not for too long, because them Camrys can sure put out the air...brrrrrrr!

creating brilliant glares ahead of me – I HATE when that happens!

“Sweet,” I softly say aloud as the red light ahead of me turned green – I LOVE that feeling! It’s like “SCORE!”

a young woman smoking with the windows up – that honestly is a shame, especially with the innocent kiddos in the back! =(

who will be my new ‘victim’ of judgment – what a GREAT way to put it! That honestly is the truth...and we ALL do it when driving!

to slowdown fast without my brake lights giving me away – HA! That makes me laugh! I do the same thing, except I don’t have a manual, so I have to do the thing where I slam on the brakes until I get up to him where he might be able to see the brake lights, then it’s the “just hope you got it down slow enough that he ‘won’t care’ game.”

Way to go with the WAY fun to read blog!