Tuesday, August 16


Standing on the edge of a shear cliff
Peering across the vast void
I see a handsome young man
Someone I know well
Or at least well enough
To know my heart wants him
He casually dangles his feet over the edge
Deadly risk drives him,
As it courses through his veins
Danger is his life’s game.
Predictably the earth cracks where he sits
I do not yell my warning,
It would never reach in time.
In time to save…to give a chance of survival.
Huge rocks rip out from under him,
Eventually after a hundred feet, crashing
Lying deathly still, never breathing
Silent as the dust settles all around
Minutes pass and turn to short hours
Slowly sitting, then standing erect
Not bothering to brush the dirt covering his entire being
Arms hanging relaxed at his side
Blood pouring from the innumerable wounds
Those unblinking eyes penetrating my face from below
A hot tear falls from my eye
Alive!? Is it truly a possibility?
After falling so far can anyone stand again?

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