Saturday, September 25

Drive Home

I was very relieved to leave work today. Don't get me wrong; I love my job, and my co-workers, but I can only take so many 'One-hit wonders'. On my way home today, as I was listening to my 'Beatles' tape, I found the opportunity for an experiment. Driving down a two-lane road, the light ahead turned yellow, then red. In the lane next to me, a young man in a black Mercury swerved in front of me, around a stopped silver Sunfire, and through the solid red light. As I slowly came to a stop next to the Sunfire, I noticed the elderly couple in the car, they were obviously very upset about Mr. Mercury; and were probably saying something like "Dumb kids these days; they have no brains or patience". The woman, in particular, had quite a deep scowl on her face as she held her Chihuahua. Then, came my idea. I tried to catch her eye, and when I did, I grinned my biggest smile! Mrs. Sunfire first looked startled to see the neighboring car smiling at her, but then her face lit-up like a bulb. She grinned back, then looked forward still glowing. Wow, I wonder if her opinion of dumb teens was altered, or her day brightened; I sure hope so.


AngieDoodle said...

I think that you are the super coolest!
Like many of your other pieces, this shows what most people need to improve on. Does that make sense?
Anyway... you hit her right on the nose! Right on!
PS. gotta love those 'one hit wonders' (and the Beatles). :)

AngieDoodle said...

Muy Bien!

Anonymous said...

I liked the whole idea of this one, very positive and uplifting! Thanks for writing it!