Tuesday, April 17

I am certainly surprised that anyone still checks this blog, but I am very happy that you do!!!

I got myself a raise last Friday; here is my story:
I work at UFCU and I love it. Mr.McGee came to my work after he was off work and told me that his employer was hiring a new receptionist. I would be paid a dollar more and I would be working in an awesome place, with many very nice people, including my sweet husband! I went over there and talked to everyone (many other friends work there too) and they all wanted me. The girl who was hiring offered me an interview that same day. There were SO many reasons why I wanted to leave here and go work just down the street....

...yet, I love my job here. I thought about it for many days and I finally told my manager about the opportunity I had been offered. I told him I would give my final decision the next day. That evening was rough as I tried to decide. I even wrote out a PROS and CONS list for both.
The next morning my manager called me into his office and told me how much he appreciates me and all my efforts. He said many very nice things. The best of which was that he would offer me a buck-fifty raise if I stayed. So I took the generous offer and I do not regret it.

The major draw that the other job had was the money anyways. Since I love what I am doing, and love the new pay, why go anywhere else now? My employers have been so good to us. I work less than a mile from home and I get all the silly holidays off!
I am so blessed!

I hope you are all having good luck with your jobs! I love you all!


Princess Consuela Banana Hammock said...

OH MY GOODNESS! i'm shocked...you wrote twice within a week. good on ya =).... of course, i shouldn't be one to talk

Anonymous said...

That's very exciting! Yay! Good thing you told your boss what was going on so he could consider giving you a raise to get you to stay. I'm very excited for you!!
Love ya- h.bear